The Importance of the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat

 Our Next, Free Educational Seminar & Meeting: THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1pm to 3pm

Come and hear Fran Hutchins, Director of the Bracken Cave Preserve, tell us about the Importance of the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat!

Fran has been with Bat Conservation International since 2006, directing educational bat flight programs and the restoration work on BCI’s Bracken Cave Preserve and working with Central Texas landowners protecting other bat roosts. His work at the preserve protects the largest colony of bats in the world.
Fran frequently speaks, sharing his passion for informing the public about bats at schools and zoos and with Scouts and organizations from around the world. He has been featured on Texas Country Reporter, Travel Channel, several documentaries, as well as Texas Highway Magazine.
In 2013 Fran was recognized by the US Forest Service for Wings Across the Americas / BatsLIVE education program. He is also a Caver and Texas Master Naturalist and Eagle Scout.

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Bexar County Master Gardner (BCMG) Educational Seminars/General Meetings are held on the afternoon of the third Thursday every other month at the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Office, Suite 208.
For more information contact BCMG President: [email protected], or call 210-699-0663.